Ditto Tomb Blades and Wraiths If you do get them into melee you can put a hurt on them. If they still have destroyers up shoot them instead. DO NOT fire high damage weapons into them unless there is nothing else that makes logical sense. They won't be in a parking lot so getting one melee unit near one isn't going to shut the main gun on the other 2 down. Probably won't see more than one squad of them because if those stats looked like something you wouldn't mind seeing on one of your units the pricetag shouldn't surprise you. If they go for the Nephrec dynasty they can advance 18' and charge for 2 CP.
But they get 3++ and three wounds a pop and can charge after withdrawing. 2 AP and 2 damage isn't as bad as it could be for Custodies but it's not far off either. Wraiths are the best melee unit the Necrons have. Expect to lose something to them the turn they shoot but they fold to any high damage high AP weapons. Of course, they will likely either be obscured or in deep strike reserve turn one.
They are the most immediately dangerous units in the necron army and should be your first target. The upshot is they are expensive, strategem dependent, and by far the best target in the army for your AV. The big threats are going to be destroyers, wraiths, Doomsday arks, Tomb Blades, and anything with the C'tan keyword.ĭestroyers have a 3 shot strength 6 ap3 D3 damage weapon and a stragem that let's them reroll everything.