Mvp baseball 2005 pc

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Select the 'Create A Player' option, then enter ' Mark Curran', ' Les Kram', or ' G Clark' as a case-sensitive name. Select the 'Create A Player' option, then enter ' Sean Paterson' or ' Avery Larmour' as a case-sensitive name. Your rival will now have a bad batter on their team. Then, go to 'Locate A Created Player', and reduce his stats. Additionally, you can use this player to your advantage: Create ' Erik Kiss', make his stats all full, then trade him to a rival team. You also cannot bunt with him it will just go foul. The player will have a skinny bat that will break every time and send a little dribbler to the pitcher for a sure out. Select the 'Create A Player' option, then enter ' Erik Kiss' as a case-sensitive name. The player will have a very large bat he will hit a home run or a hard line drive every time you make contact, no matter what his stats. Select the 'Create A Player' option, then enter ' Keegan Paterson', ' Jacob Paterson', or ' Isaiah Paterson' as a case-sensitive name. Select the 'Create A Player' option, then enter ' Katie Roy' as a case-sensitive name to unlock all rewards, stadiums, legendary players, and uniforms.